Phone: 610.383.3760 x22123


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor's Degree - Elementary Education Master's Degree - Elementary Education Teacher Level 2 Certification Administrator Level 1 Certification Currently enrolled in Doctoral Program for Educational Leadership

Mrs. Daugherty

Mrs. Daugherty is currently in her fifteenth year of teaching at Caln Elementary. She taught first grade for ten years, then moved to third grade.  Mrs. Daugherty has her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Elementary Education, has her Administrator’s certificate, and is currently attending Immaculata to obtain a doctorate in Educational Leadership.  Mrs. Daugherty teaches Spanish Club, and is involved in many of the school programs that focus on charity work for the community.  Mrs. Daugherty is passionate about teaching and and learning and constantly researches best practices to implement them in her classroom.  Mrs. Daugherty currently has a flexible seating model for her classroom.  Students have the opportunity to move around and sit in areas that create a comfortable learning environment which can be suited to each individual student.  Mrs. Daugherty feels that students should be responsible for their own learning and empowers students to explore topics that they are interested in and passionate about.  She wants students to be excited about coming to school each day!