School Board
New Student Registration
Children and youth are eligible for services under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act if they have been displaced from their homes and are living in a place that is not fixed, regular or adequate, such as:
Sharing housing with others due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or similar reasons
In a place not designated as regular sleeping accommodation, such as a vehicle, park, hotel, or campground
In a homeless or domestic violence shelter or transitional housing placement
Outside of his/her home as an unaccompanied youth
In any of the situations listed above, as the child of a migrant family
If you believe you may be eligible, please contact Darian Smith, Supervisor of Pupil Services, at 610-466-2420 or Email Darian Smith. Please click on the links below for homeless resources.
Housing Authority of Chester County
PA 211 - Get Connected. Get Help.
Open Hearth Helping People with Housing & Financial Stability
I Want To Go To College: Now What?
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act