School Board
New Student Registration
1. ESY must be considered for all students with disabilities. The determination of ESY eligibility must be made by the IEP team by February 28.
2. IEP team must consider the factors below:
Regression: whether the student reverts to a lower level of functioning as a result of an interruption in educational programming.
Recoupment: whether the student has the capacity to recover skills in which regression occurred to a level demonstrated prior to the interruption of educational programming.
Whether the student's difficulties with regression and recoupment make it unlikely that the student will maintain the skills relevant to the IEP goals.
The extent to which a skill is particularly crucial for the student to meet the IEP goals for self sufficiency and independence from caretaker.
The extent to which successive interruptions in educational programming result in a student's withdrawal from the learning process.
Whether the student's disability is severe, such as autism/pervasive developmental delay, serious emotional disturbance, severe mental retardation, degenerative impairments with mental involvement and severe multiple disabilities.