2nd Grade Lesson 6

Instrument Families

    Click on the next link to find out

     What is SOUND?


    Now let's take a look at the instruments of the Woodwind Family



    Here is an introduction to each Woodwind in the orchestra.



    Think about SOUND and how it is made. 

    The next video will tell you how the Woodwind Instruments make sound.

    How do Woodwind Instruments make a sound? 


    Here is a fun video of a jazz band, "Tuba Skinny", playing on the streets of New Orleans, Louisiana.


    Did you see the Clarinet player?  Did you watch how the Trumpet player used her leg to direct the group? 


    Some of the other instruments were?(List the names and send me an email guyj@casdschools.org)___________________________

    Hint:  One of the instruments is usually used to wash clothes with.



    Bonus Activity!

    Have you ever tried playing the cup game?

    You will need a plastic cup and it’s easier to play this sitting cross-legged on the floor (not the bed!) or use a table.

    Cup Song Playing

    Click on the next link to learn how.

    Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=19&v=Y5kYLOb6i5I&feature=emb_logo 


    Now try to play the cup game along with these three girls.  Good luck and have fun. When I mess it up I just keep playing the beat with my cup.

    Cup Song Mashup