Phone: 610-383-3730 ext. 81141


Degrees and Certifications:

B.S. Biology, summa cum laude, Gannon University; Ph.D Plant physiology, The Pennsylvania State University. Instructional Certificate I and II, Biology and General Science.

Dr. Cheryl Krasowski

Dr. Krasowski has been with the school district since 2004, where she has taught Biology I, AP Biology, Biology II Honors/Dual-Credit through Lincoln University, and Forensic Science, now through Harrisburg U.  She had taught Biology I in the International Baccalaureate program as well as regular Biology, regular Chemistry, Chemical Literacy at the basic level, Environmental Science, Health, and Science, Technology & Society at Mercyhurst Prep in Erie, PA, immediately after earning her Bachelor's of Science in Biology. While working on her Ph.D in Plant Physiology, with a research question in Chemical Ecology, she taught The Ascent of Humanity, a 100 level STS course.  In her years at West Chester University, she supervised student teachers every semester and taught everything from Anatomy and Physiology to Zoology (not really, but almost)...


My contact information is as follows          610-383-3730 ext. 81141          Room 141 in the 11/12 building