• Kindergarten Cycle 6
    Let's warm up our singing voice with a Hello Song
    Choose 1 or sing them all!!!
     Rhythm and the BEAT
    We are going to continue learning about rhythm today.
    Remember from last time, Rhythm in a song is the way the words go.
    We listened to the song London Bridge to help us learn that
    Some words have one sound or syllable like "down", other words have 2 sounds or syllables like "Lon don".
    ta ta ti ti ta
    Let's practice:
    Watch the next video to review how Beet and Cherry help us learn rhythm in music.
    Beet has 1 sound, cherry has 2 sounds. 
    Beet Beet Cherry Beet
    ta  ta  ti  ti  ta
    ta  ta  ti  ti  ta
    say along with the music chart below
    beet beet cherry beet beet cherry beet cherry cherry cherry beet beet
    Now say the ta's and ti's with the chart below
    Ta Ta Ti Ti Ta written TaTiTiTaTiTi Tititita
    Go find your two items/instruments to make 2 different sounds that you used last time.
    Use your two items/instruments with the music chart above and play.
     Rhythm practice

    Use your items/instruments to play along with the rhythms in the video


    Now singalong with this next song.  See if you can keep up!
    Space Song Rocket Ride