• apple  Announcements

    1. Sign agendas each night!  All communication from teachers to parents will be written in the agenda.  Parents are required to sign them EACH night. All homework, upcoming events and tests/quizzes will be listed there.  Parents will be given a calendar with test dates each month.  Please be aware these are subject to change. 

    1. Ask questions!  Ask your child about his/her day.  You’ll be surprised at how much they have learned in one day! 

    1. Keep the schedule handy!  You’ll know when to wear sneakers for gym and when to send in library books so our class can have perfect book attendance! 

    1. Dress you student for the weather!  Our modulars can be chilly.  Students may bring in a uniform sweater or cardigan to keep in the classroom if they choose. 

    1. Attend everyday!  We learn everyday.  Only stay home if you are sick.  Schedule appointments outside of the school day. 

    1. Look through folders!  Review graded and returned work in homework folders so report cards won’t be a surprise.   

    1. Read!  Try to read 20 minutes each night with your child.  Practice out loud and silently with your child.  It’s fun! 

    1. Praise!  Praise is better than rewards.  Encourage them with words. 

    1. Remember!  A parent is a child’s first and BEST teacher.  Work together with the teacher, we are here for your child!