• College Prep Mathematics 

    Course Description: The CPM Connections curriculum developed from 2003-2010, mirrors the elements of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice. The principles of CPM course design—problem-based lessons, collaborative student work, and spaced practice—are based on the methodological research for teaching mathematics that leads to conceptual understanding. As such, task designs ask students to create models, make connections, and explain their work regularly. Students are held responsible for high academic rigor, analysis, critical thinking, and communicate their mathematical findings in writing and/or oral presentations in a clear and convincing manner.


    Classroom Instruction and group work: Students will work in collaborative groups on a regular basis and approach problems conceptually. The only way students will master the concepts is by being actively involved in their learning. We will be responsible for guiding, supporting, and summarizing at all times. Classwork will be completed as a whole class, in pairs, and individually as well as in groups.


    Review/Preview Assignments will be given regularly throughout the year.  Students will be given opportunities to complete this during class time.  Any assignment that is not completed during class must be completed at home.


    Student Assessments will consist of smaller quizzes that focus on just a few concepts to larger tests that will be given at the end of each chapter. Both quizzes and tests may include topics of study that have been introduced earlier in the year.


    Supplies: PENCILS, plastic folder, and lined or graph notebook paper. Each student will be given a binder,  Coarse Toolkit, and a spiral notebook of graph paper.


    Grading: Your grade will be weighted as follows:

    - 35% Tests

    - 30% Quizzes

    - 25% Classwork Assignments (Textbook Core Problems & Warm Ups)

    - 10% Individual Assignments (Review/Previews and Supplemental Worksheets)