

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Michael J. Williamson Jr.


--10th Grade European History Teacher since 2004.

-- B.A. in History and Secondary Education from American University in 2003.

-- Masters in Curriculum and Instruction from Penn State in 2009. 

--Husband since 2008; Father since 2012

--Eagles Fan since forever. 


Classes :

European History is a world history course that focused on the development of Western civilization since 1450.  The course illustrates the roots of the modern world we live in today.  In European History we will explore how the world has become interconnected over the last five hundred years.  We will investigate the foundations of modern democracy and the struggle for individual rights.  We will learn about the foundations of capitalism and the modern global economy.  We will also study the conflicts that have changed the shape of the modern world. In addition, students in European History will develop their "Historical Thinking Skills", as they learn to do research and develop responses to complex historical questions. 


Room: 234 at CASH

Phone Extension: 81234
